Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday Roundup

Favorites and duds from today's commenting.

Favorites, in no particular order:

Here's a nice dig at Houstonians from The Amazing Sneijderman in the Reliant Stadium post. I have no real reason to suspect that this is a fair characterization of Houstonians, but I think the joke is funny because it aligns with a common stereotype. It's almost funnier if it's not rooted in truth, if it's just the mean-spirited use of this popular misconception. I can't explain it, but I like it.

Here's a nice spin on the horse=glue theme from SavetoFavorites in the Painting Racehorse post. There's still quite a lot of juice in this angle, but as we'll see, that doesn't mean you can just throw it out there. Also, here's a funny dig at The World Wide Leader in the ESPN Drones post.

There are a one or two really funny entries in this thread, from the Painting Racehorse post, featuring PexsPodiatryst, SavetoFavorites, cobra, brah!, Danelorgy, The Amazing Sneijderman, Cianfrocco's Modern Life, econdave, ScottMitchellReport, and others. It's worth checking out.

DougExeter earned a round of applause with this excellent offering in the Suzy Favor Hamilton post. Jesus, just look at that goddamn reply. Unreal. Later, he also dropped this awesome one-liner in the ESPN Drones post. That's a fantastic joke. Nice work today.

This is just a desperately stupid Idiot joke from Gamboa Constrictor in the Suzy Favor Hamilton post. The setup is totally over the top, but that's sort of what makes it so fun. Not everyone can get away with this shit, I'll admit. This joke from a burner would be met with a chorus of crickets and a passing tumbleweed. It's not as unfair as it might seem, though. We've become familiar with this commenter's voice and we know what he's going for, and we're therefore more easily able to connect with the humor in the joke. And, on a day that was light on humdingers, this a-here joke is your Comment of the Day.

Total Fucking Duds

Random bonehead NotoriousD.G.S. went back to the fetid well of Sarah Jessica Parker jokes in the Painting Racehorse post, to no one's surprise or enjoyment. You stink, pal.

Possible jackass V8-bit has seen a movie once, and took the time in the Painting Racehorse post to let everyone know about it. Thanks!

Consider this sad-trombone offering from ScottMitchellReport in the Painting Racehorse post against the SavetoFavorites joke above. Both jokes take the horse=glue angle, but one employs subtlety . . . no, one turns on subtlety, whereas the other one features a picture of a bottle of glue. This is a well-worn angle, you really can't be clumsy when you use it.

Aaaaaaaand here comes the migraine.

Hey, whaddya say. Have a great night. Shalt thou DUAN?


  1. The praise of my COTD is so backhanded that I'm sitting here stifling my laughter.


  2. Per usual, a wonderful effort, Shitehawk. As per the conversation today, that was featured in the comments section of yesterday's post, I took no offence to being brought up in such context and enjoyed the discussion and comparison made by Bronzie.

  3. Also, a fairly interesting discussion ensued in yesterday's comment section when I mentioned how irrationally entertained I was by a train wreck of a comment and the subsequent replies. It happened again today, when I found way too much hilarity in this (click my name). Just...Wow.

    1. "What is the deal" guy, y'mean?

    2. Yep. And the responses. Should be linked in my name (above).

  4. You have singlehandedly saved the comments section.

    - fat-l

    1. I'm not the one making all those funny jokes, but I appreciate the sentiment.

  5. In my hastily prepared, witlessly reasoned defense, I tried to delete that comment but couldn't delete the image, in favor of a "...has four legs, chomps on hay, and'll lick you up and down if you get too close..."/Brett & Deanna sharing horseshoe dildo @ harvest orgy riff.

    No, that's not actually a defense. "No contest."

  6. Thanks for the hat tip. Means a lot to a new guy.

    1. Doug, you've done some really good stuff.

    2. Yeah pal, keep it up! You're doing great.

    3. Thanks, guys. Honestly, I don't know how so many of you consistently bring the funny. I think my work productivity has dropped off about 75% in the past three days.

      I presume that you're all unemployed bums, or, worse, grad students.

    4. Lawyers, man. They're all lawyers. Except for many of us, who aren't lawyers at all.

      Keep up the good work. It's refreshing to see a new face on an avatar around here that actually brings the funny.

    5. Lawyers, huh? Lawyers. Explains a lot.

      [looks nervously around office]

      Fuckin' lawyers.

      [looks at half completed mediation brief on desk]
      [turns it over]
      [logs in to deadspin and desperately hits refresh hoping for an NHL story so I can finally be in my comfort zone]
      [finds none]
      [realizes that even if there was one, all I'd do is write some shitty joke making fun of the Islanders]
      [realizes that even if it were a great joke, nobody would read it because it's a goddamn NHL story]


      Fuckin' lawyers, man.

  7. As a Houstonian:

    a) no, that was not a fair characterization by Sneijderman
    b) it was fucking hilarious
